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TF Kirin Tool V2 For Huawei CPU By Techno Fayez Remove Frp Bootloader Unlock Tool

TF Kirin Tool V2 For Huawei CPU By Techno Fayez Remove Frp Bootloader Unlock Tool Due to the firm’s strict security protocols, Huawei has always presented an obstacle to consumers who would like to root their Android devices and install custom ROMs. But, the release of TF Kirin tool by Techno Fayez has made it much easier for Huawei users to alter their devices and also unlock the bootloader.

TF Kirin Tool For Huawei CPU By Techno Fayez Remove Frp Bootloader Unlock Tool
TF Kirin Tool For Huawei CPU By Techno Fayez Remove Frp Bootloader Unlock Tool

TF Kirin Tool V2 For Huawei CPU By Techno Fayez Remove Frp Bootloader Unlock Tool







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It is important to note that the TF Kirin tool is currently in development It is important to keep in mind that you are using it completely at risk. If you’re looking access to the bootloader of their Huawei handset to gain greater influence over the device, it can provide interesting alternatives.

One of the most important advantages that is included in this TF Kirin Tool is its built-in board tool, which lets users download images swiftly and effortlessly. This is particularly beneficial to those wanting at flashing custom firmware or other changes on your Huawei device.

Another significant characteristic in the TF Kirin Tool is its ability to temporarily unlock the bootloader on Hisilicon CPUs. When the bootloader is de-locked users can then create firmware and complete other tasks with fastboot. If you want to create custom ROMs, or alter their Huawei phone in different ways, this feature is beneficial.

You should proceed cautiously as well as at your own personal risk, if you decide to unlock the bootloader as it could end the warranty of your device and cause additional issues.

Compatible Kirin processors to work with Kirin Tool: TF Kirin Tool:

Kirin Processor Supported by TF Kirin Tool
Kirin 650 Yes
Kirin 655 Yes
Kirin 658 Yes
Kirin 659 Yes
Kirin 710 Yes
Kirin 810 Yes
Kirin 950 Yes
Kirin 955 Yes
Kirin 960 Yes

To utilize using the TF Kirin Tool to unlocking and relocking of the bootloader, you’ll need an Huawei USB Com 1.0 TP and USB drivers. When you’ve got these drivers then you can use the TF Kirin Tool to unlock the bootloader and begin making adjustments for the Huawei device.

Overall overall, it’s clear that the TF Kirin Tool by Techno Fayez is a great innovation for Huawei users who are trying to gain greater control of their devices. The options it offers can help you customize your Huawei smartphone easier but you must make use of it in a responsible manner in a safe manner and with your own risks. If you’re looking to explore the world of custom-ROMs and device modifications then the TF Kirin Tool certainly worth a look.


  • TF Kirin Tool for Huawei Hisilicon cpu by Techno Fayez
  • The tool is still in development, therefore we must test it
  • Tools include an inbuilt boardstool (image downloading tool)
  • The bootloader can be temporarily unlocked in the future following temper BL unlocking easily write firmware/ROM, and many other things with fastboot.
  • Use at your own risk
TF Kirin Tool by Techno Fayez
TF Kirin Tool by Techno Fayez

TF Kirin Tool by Techno Fayez | Remove F-r-p, B-L Unlock Hisilicon CPU

Huawei Kirin-Supported CPU

  • Kirin 650
  • Kirin 655
  • Kirin 658
  • Kirin 659
  • Kirin 710
  • Kirin 810
  • Kirin 950
  • kirin 955
  • Kirin 960
  • For Bootloader Unlock/Relock

Note: Required (TP) HUAWEI USB COM 1.0

And USB Driver

How To Use?

  1. The first step is to first download the file using the following link
  2. Then, you should remove all files from the drive c: ( important)
  3. Verify that you have turned off your antivirus prior to starting the installation
  4. Then to open the folder, install the setup file following some basic instructions
  5. Run the ” TF HW Tools.exe” 
  6. Then, you’ll be able to install all the drivers you have already have them installed. If not, skip this step.
  7. Connect the phone and attempt to accomplish any task
  8. Enjoy !! !

How To Download

To download the TF Kirin tool for huawei Hisilicon cpu, simply head over to the official website and click on the download link. The file is pretty small so it won’t take long to download. Once the download is complete, simply extract the contents of the zip file to a folder on your computer.
Download Link:: Link

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