Gsm Android Tool

MTK Auth Bypass Tool V18 – MTK Secure Boot Disable Tool

 MTK Auth Bypass Tool V18 is a free windows program that helps to bypass DAA & SLA Auth (Secure Boot protection) from any MediaTek MTK powered phone quite easily.

If you want to flash firmware or Remove the pattern, password from your Android phone then first you have to use the boot protection bypass tool to disable the secure Boot and detect the phone in SP or any other Unlock tool. So, Download MTK Secure Boot Disable Tool v18 with a proper installation guide to use the tool on your PC for free.

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Nowadays, Every Android smartphone comes with USB protection to avoid third-party flashing and misuse of the device. You won’t be able to flash or unlock your phone without any authorized tool or permission. So, in this scenario, the MediaTek MTK Secure Boot Disable Tool can help you to bypass the auth security from your phone.

MTKSecBootDisable helps to detect any Oppo, Vivo, Tecno, Xiaomi Redmi, Infinix, MTK based smartphones into the SP flash tool, Miracle Box, UMT, MRT, MCT, CM2 Dongle for Flashing, Unlocking, and Repairing the phone. It comes with an auto-installer package and supports windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows XP (32 & 64bit) architecture.

Supported CPU:

  • MT6572
  • MT6580
  • MT6582
  • MT6592
  • MT6595
  • MT6735
  • MT6737
  • MT6739
  • MT6753
  • MT6755
  • MT6750
  • MT6750M
  • MT6750T
  • MT6750S
  • MT6757
  • MT6761
  • MT6762
  • MT3369
  • MT8766B
  • MT6763
  • MT6765
  • MT6768
  • MT6771
  • MT6779
  • MT6785
  • MT6795
  • MT6797
  • MT8127
  • MT8163
  • MT8516
  • MT8173
  • MT8695
  • MT6873
  • MT6799
  • MT8590
  • MT6781
  • MT6768
  • MT6883
  • MT6885
  • MT6889
  • MT6833
  • MT6853
  • MT6853V
  • MT6873
  • MT6891Z
  • MT6893
  • MT8765WB
  • MT8385
  • MT8183
  • MT8666

Changelog !!!

MTK Auth Bypass Tool V18:
Added :
– Huawei FRL-L22 (Y9A) switches to Brom mode with a single click without an file (switch from upgrade mode to Brom for flash mode operation without test point).
* after the switch you can use any tool (sigma, cm2) for Huawei ID and other operations, after finishing the desired operation flash preloader file to get the device working again.
currently, it’s working only under 123 ver, will update later for the latest versions like 167 – 170.
– merged and fixed mtk OFP multi-super region extractor (auto rename preloader and scatter fixed and skipped remove the directory if extraction directory already exists).
– added disable pay joy app via ADB.
 – Meta mode options updated to support LG and HMD MTK devices.
1. Intro
If you are running an MTK powered phone on Android and are facing the dreaded DAA or SLA auth and you have no option but to use a custom ROM for your phone, then MTMK has been developed for you.
MTK Auth Bypass Tool V15 is a tool that allows you to bypass the DAA & SLA Auth from any MediaTek MTK powered phone. It does this by doing a few simple steps. First, it will check for an active security key (DAA) in advance. That is how it knows if it should bypass the DAA protection of your phone.
After that, it will then query against the security key (SLA) to determine whether it should bypass the protection or not. If yes, then it will do its magic by changing the boot logo (bootloader) with another one without having to root your device or flash any custom recovery. Now that we have all that covered let’s get on with the details of this awesome tool!
Note: This tool was developed not just for MTK powered phones but also for other brands using MTK firmware like the Asus Zenfone series and so on!
MTK Auth Bypass Tool, MTK Auth Bypass Tool is an Android application that helps to bypass DAA & SLA Auth (Secure Boot protection) from any MediaTek MTK powered phone.
Mtk Auth Bypass Tool’s main functions are to remove patterns, passwords from your Android phone. It also helps you to Flash Firmware and Removes the pattern, password from your Android phone.
If you want to flash firmware or Remove the pattern, password from your Android phone then first you have to use the boot protection by
MTK Auth Bypass Tool V18 Latest Version Free Tool
2. What is MTK Auth Bypass Tool?
“MTK Auth Bypass Tool V15 is a free Windows application that helps to bypass DAA & SLA Auth (Secure Boot protection) from any MediaTek MTK powered phone quite easily.”
3. How to use MTK Auth Bypass Tool
  MTK Auth Bypass tool is a free utility that allows you to bypass MediaTek MTK authentication via DAA/SLA.
This tool works for all MediaTek MTK powered devices including the popular MTK P60, M2, M3, and many more.
The author of this tool is not responsible for any damages or losses you may incur if using this program.
Download the latest version.
MTK Auth Bypass Tool V18 Latest Version Free Tool
4. How to install the MTK Auth bypass tool on your PC
There are many ways to bypass DAA & SLA Auth (Secure Boot protection) from any MediaTek MTK powered phone.
First, you need to find the OEM serial number of your phone. If it is not present in its bootloader, you can use a command-line tool to help you to find it.
Next, you need to execute the stock KernalInit.exe file (registry key) for your phone. For example, on my Lenovo A70 device I execute: On Lenovo A70 using ADB: kernel init -s 0x0702f7c0 kernel init -s 0x0702f7c0 kernel init -s 0x0702f7c0 Now on my Lenovo A50 device I execute: On Lenovo A50 using ADB: kernel init -s 0x07f40800 kernel init -s 0x07f40800 Now the last step is to download and install MTK Auth bypass tool V15 on windows x86/x64 platform for MediaTek MTK powered phones which support DAA & SLA Auth protection method.
MTK Auth Bypass Tool V18 Latest Version Free Tool
5. Download Link for MTK Auth Bypass Tool V15
MTK Auth Bypass Tool (MTK Auth Bypass Tool V15) is free software that helps to bypass DAA & SLA Auth (Secure Boot protection) from any MediaTek MTK powered phone.
This is a small tool that helps to bypass the security checks and security controls of the various OEMs, including but not limited to:
Nexus 6P, Nexus 7P, Nexus 5X, Nexus S6, and other Android-based devices managed by Samsung, Google, and others.
Also, this tool can help to bypass the security checks of Xiaomi and many other brands.
MTK Auth Bypass Tool V18 Latest Version Free Tool
6. Conclusion 
MTK Auth Bypass Tool V5 has been developed by the expert team of developers to solve all the problems faced by the MTK powered phones.
It is an open-source program that works on 128-bit AES encryption by using your Windows machine, therefore the installation can be very simple. It doesn’t require any 3rd party software to run and supports all Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and most other platforms.
Free Download MTK Auth Bypass Tool V15 Free Download
MTK Auth Bypass Tool V18 Latest Version Free Tool
How To Install: 1.  Extract the downloaded file to your desktop. 2. Right-click on the “MTK_AuthBypassToolV15_v5” file and click on  “Run as Administrator”. 3.  Follow the steps below: 4. Once you have downloaded and opened the MTK_AuthBypassToolV15_v5 file, select the Open command window here 5. Type in “mtkAuthBypassToolV15_v5”
7. How to Install MTK Auth Bypass Tool on Windows PC
The MediaTek MTK modem is one of the most used in mobiles. It is capable to support all the features of Android mobile phones; including flashable ROMs, custom recovery, and more.
The latest version of this tool (MTK Auth Bypass V16) can bypass the DAA & SLA Auth (Secure Boot protection) on MediaTek MTK powered Android phones. This can be useful for those who want to install custom firmware or root their devices.
8. How to Bypass SLA Auth and DAA protection on MTK powered devices
Sometimes, there is no need to root the device or install a custom recovery. Sometimes, the only way to overcome the boot protection is through flashing the firmware from a custom recovery.
MTK Auth Bypass Tool V16 is a free windows program that helps to bypass DAA & SLA Auth (Secure Boot protection) from any MediaTek MTK powered phone quite easily.
If you want to flash firmware or Remove the pattern, password from your Android phone then first you have to use the boot protection byp
The boot protection may be seen as an easy way of blocking users from rooting and installing custom firmware on their phones but it is not enough. Some phones come with such features that can block all such methods and will not allow anything other than stock firmware on them. Sometimes, there is no need to root or install a custom recovery. Sometimes, the only way to overcome the boot protection is through flashing the firmware from a custom recovery. If you want to flash or remove DAA or SLA protection, then you can use this tool.
The problem of boot protection occurs when random pieces of code are added by mobile manufacturers that prevent users from flashing their own firmware on them and start installing Samsung’s own software instead.
9. How to Flash Stock Firmware via Flash Tool 
MTK Auth Bypass Tool V16 is a free windows program that helps to bypass DAA & SLA Auth (Secure Boot protection) from any MediaTek MTK powered phone quite easily. If you want to flash firmware or Remove the pattern, password from your Android phone then first you have to use the boot protection bypager
#1: Download MTK Auth Bypass Tool V16 .zip file from here and extract it to a folder named “mtk_auth_bypass” in your PC’s C: drive. wget Unpack the downloaded file using WinZip Express or 7zip and then launch it . This will create a “mtk_auth_bypass.ini” file inside the “_mtk_auth_bypass” folder in your Windows PC’s C: drive. Open this file and check the “Enable Boot Protection” option under the Advanced tab of “Advanced Options”. Tick the box next to “Disable Secure Boot”. Reboot into recovery mode by pressing and holding the Volume Up + Power buttons together for about 10 seconds (depending on your Android phone model). This will bring up the recovery menu displayed on your Android phone’s screen. Press the Volume Down + Power button until you see the bootloader mode menu shown on your Android phone’s screen followed by choosing the reboot system now option; select the reboot system now option and hit the power button again to restart your Android phone into recovery mode which will take you back to the main menu displayed on your screen again (you can repeat these steps for each Android device that you want to flash stock ROM firmware via MTK firmware bypass tool). Once done rebooting into recovery mode, connect your Android phone directly via USB cable after which install MTK firmware manager app that was created earlier inside C: drivecmd folder so as per below instruction iMac-Xerox-Dell-HP-Apple-iPhone-iPod touch-Samsung-Sony.
MTK Auth Bypass Tool V18 Latest Version Free Tool
10. Remove Pattern Lock or Password from your Android Device 
The MTK auth bypass tool v16 is a free windows program that helps to bypass DAA & SLA Auth (Secure Boot protection) from any MediaTek MTK powered phone quite easily.
If you want to flash firmware or Remove the pattern, password from your Android phone then first you have to use the boot protection byp
This is a great tool for those who are having difficulties with Unlocking. This tool can be used for those who are having more issues unlocking their device.
Please note that this software is not supported by the manufacturer of the device and is ONLY provided as a guide in case you have issues unlocking your device.
It has been tested on devices running on Android 4.4 KitKat and up and it should work on most devices after flashing the necessary files. There are a few known issues that need to be addressed such as problems with GPS, Wireless, Screen lock, etc… but these issues will be resolved in time as development progresses and we develop more features for this tool. Please follow us on our Twitter @mtk_tool_im or Facebook mtk_tool_im or site mtk_toolim. We will also be updated frequently so please feel free to give us feedback if you have any questions or comments about this tool or our youtube channel: mtk_tool_im  or Facebook mtk_toolim. We would also like to remind users that we do not support unlocking their device nor will we be responsible for any loss of data due to our tools’ unauthorized use/misuse/misuse/misapplication of them on your device. We strongly recommend users use this at their own risk and install it only when done with due caution and after following all of our instructions listed below in case you need help in installing this program or have other problems so please download from one of the sites below:
11. Conclusion
MTK Auth Bypass Tool V16 is a free windows program that helps to bypass DAA & SLA Auth (Secure Boot) from any MediaTek MTK powered phone quite easily.
If you want to flash firmware or Remove the pattern, password from your Android phone then first you have to use the boot protection by
There are so many tools out there for people who want to manage their phones. They offer so many features, different features in different tools and all this without having to use special software.
However, there are some apps that are specifically designed for people who want to get their phones encrypted without having root access in case they don’t feel like installing any .apk and apps from the market. This is where MTK Auth Bypass Tool comes into play. It can be used by users of almost all Android devices, including those with an MTK chipset and those that run on other vendors’ chips (such as Samsung Exynos). There is a free version that can be used by advanced users but at the moment it’s limited in terms of what it can do. The paid version allows you to bypass the encryption layer that most phones use by enabling an app called SecuROM wipe.
Download Link:: Link

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