Halabtech Tool V1.0 Samsung Huawei MTP FRP Qualcomm And Xioami Tool
Halabtech Tool V1.0 Samsung Huawei MTP FRP Qualcomm And Xioami Toolgsm

Halabtech Tool 1.0 Free Edition By AmmarGSM No Need Any Activation, Credit Balance, or Box Dongle Free Download and Install !!!
In this post I even have the newest version of Halatech tool 1.0 is released for download. the tool is allowed users to get rid of FRP, on Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei, and HTC smartphones. may be a free edition but you’ll find features like all premium tool. now during this new update, you’ve got bypassed the FRP lock on Samsung MTP mode. in MTP mode you’ve got found an option for bypassing YouTube, Galaxy store (Hidden Setting Trick), MAPS. within the Qualcomm tab, you’ve got to flash mobile with loader file no got to select Model number. In MTK Tab you’ve got to seek out some new features. I even have described all features below you’ll check from there.
A new update for the free Halabtech Tool has been released, and therefore the update carries the amount Halabtech Tool v1.0 with new features and additions.
In the past, other updates were released to the Halabtech Tool, including a special and varied group of important processes.
For all Android phones, whether Samsung, Huawei, Xiaomi phones and mobiles, and a few phones that carry MediaTek and Qualcomm processors
Features halabtech tool 1.0:
In this release, more features and processes were added to the Halabtech Tool v1.0 release, and that we review a number of them below
New additions on Samsung devices to affect Samsung phones
Localization of adding Arabic, Turkish, and Persian to phones with Android 11 versions
Add the feature to delete Google account and take away FRP MTP to most Android phones
Add remove Samsung account (root)
Add codes
Add reading and writing EFS to Android 11 phones
Update and solve problems:
Update translation for Android 10-9
Fix Null IMEI Update
Add Arabic + Turkey + Farsi (Android 11)
Add MTB Frp SAMSUNG (MOST Of Devices Supported) [All because of R3Tools]
Remove SAMSUNG Account [ROOTED]
Add Run Services Codes
Read / Write EFS For (Android 11)
Update Arabic + Turkey + Farsi (Android 10 & 9)
Fix Null IMEI
New additions on MediaTek devices to affect Android phones that carry MTK processors
MTK (Beta) Halabtech Tool v1.0
Remove Google account and FRP protection for MTK phones
Formate Android MediaTek MTK phones
Reset Frp (Choose Da File only)
Format (Choose Da File only)
Flashing Beta
New additions on Xiaomi devices to affect Xiaomi phones
Stop Xiaomi updates via TWRP
Skip Xiaomi account via ADB
Permanently suspended Xiaomi account via TWRP
Activate Diag for 2020-2021 devices
Update and solve problems
EFS scan via TWRP
Xiaomi Disable Update (By TWRP)
Bypass Mi Account (ADB) [Only Bypass]
Xiaomi Disable MI Account PERMANENTLY (By TWRP)
New Enable Diag
Flashing Beta
Update Features:
Reset EFS (By TWRP)
New additions on Huawei devices to affect Huawei phones
Add to flash root files Android 11 and 10
Remove google account for mtk devices (all because of cu2 @ gel)
Remove Google account for kirin devices (all because of CU2 @ Gel)
(Kirin 659, 960, 970, Beta 710)
Flash Kernel Root (Android 10 & 11)
Reset Frp By Test Point [All Thanks attend CU2 @ Gel] (MTK Devices)
Reset Frp By Test Point [All Thanks attend CU2 @ Gel] (Kirin 659, 960, 970, 710)
Add Run Services Codes
Read / Write EFS For (Android 11)
New additions on Qualcomm devices to affect Android phones that carry Qualcomm processors
Flash Partition Specific
Remove FRP via test point (you must select a Loader)
Skip MDM via test point (you must select Loader)
Flashing Selected Partition By Test Point
Update Reset Frp By Test Point
Update Reset MDM By Test Point
How To Use?
First download latest version Halabtech setup file from below links
Extract the setup file on the desktop
Open folder and run setup file with a double-click thereon
Now is starting the install found out in your computer
Once setup is complete back to a desktop folder and runs halabtech.exe as admin permission.
now it takes a while for the primary open
Compatibility: The tool runs perfectly on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 (32 bit and 64 bit).
Take a Backup: If you’re willing to undertake the above tool, then please take a backup of your personal data from your Android Smartphone or Tablet. As flashing any Firmware or recovery may brick the device.
Credits: Halabtech Tool is made and distributed by the developer. So, full credits attend the developer for sharing the tool for free of charge .