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Android Win Tool v1.1.4 Unlocking & Flashing Android Device

The Unlocking And Flashing Of Your Android Device Is Now Easier Than Ever With The Launch Of Windows Android Tool V1.1.4. This Powerful Application Provides A Wide Range Of Features, Which Include Qualcomm Assistance, Edl Flashing, Partition Management, And Repair Of Imei. Read Our Comprehensive Guide To Learn More About Its Capabilities, How To Use It, And The Most Recent Upgrades.

Android Win Tool v1.1.4 Unlocking & Flashing Android Device
Android Win Tool v1.1.4 Unlocking & Flashing Android Device

What Is Android Win Tool?

We Are Pleased To Introduce The Windows Android Tool V1.1.4, A Powerful Mobile Repair Tool Developed To Unlock And Flash A Large Assortment Of Android Brands Like Samsung, Vivo, Oppo, Xiaomi, Oneplus, Huawei, Realme, Tecno, And Infinix. This Tool Enables Users To Unlock Their Frp And Easily Carry Out Factory Reset Operations.

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Features Of Android Win Tool:

Win Android Tool V1.1.4


Repair Services.

Repair Start

ADB Commands:

  1. Read Info[adb]
  2. Reset Frp[twrp]
  3. Install Magisk Apk [adb]
  4. Install Apk [adb]
  5. Reboot Edl [adb]
  6. Reboot Recovery [adb]
  7. Reboot Bootloader [adb]
  8. Reboot Sideload [adb]
  9. Reboot Fastboot-d [adb]
  10. Reboot [adb]
  11. Start [adb]

Fastboot Commands.

  1. Read Info [fastboot]
  2. Reset Frp [fastboot]
  3. Reset Efs [fastboot]
  4. Oem Unlock [fastboot]
  5. Flashing Unlock [fastboot]
  6. Twrp Install [fastboot]
  7. Twrp Boot [fastboot]
  8. Reboot Edl [fastboot]
  9. Reboot Recovery [fastboot]
  10. Reboot Bootloader [fastboot]
  11. Reboot Fastboot-d [fastboot]
  12. Reboot [fastboot]
  13. Start Fastboot

Qcn – Xqcn Backup – Restore:

  1. Backup
  2. Restore
  3. Read Info

Efs- Root Functions:

  1. Reset Efs [adb]
  2. Restore Efs [adb]
  3. Enable Diag [adb]
  4. Backup Efs [adb]
  5. Root [adb]
  6. Unroot [adb]

Edl Flasher & Services.

Flash List:

  1. Multi-Program
  2. Single program
  3. Auto
  4. Xiaomi Auth [token]
  5. Reboot
  6. Flash

Flash Configuration:

  1. Flash Settings
  2. Skip User data
  3. Safe Speed
  4.  Full Erase

Reset Accounts:

  1. Reset Mi Account
  2. Reset FRP

Efs Settings:

  1. Protect Efs/IMEI
  2. Backup Efs

Root Settings:

  1. Keep Avb/ Dm Verity
  2. Keep Force Encryption
  3. Patch Vbmeta
  4. Recovery Mode

Root Settings.

  1. Keep Avb/ Dm Verity
  2. Keep Force Encryption
  3. Patch Vbmeta
  4. Recovery Mode

Service Qloader Edl (9008):

  1. Read Into
  2. Wipe Efs
  3. Backup Efs
  4. Reset FRP
  5. Restore Efs
  6. Root Device
  7. Factory Reset
  8. Oem Unlock
  9. Start

Partition Manager.

Read Write Erase Settings:

  1. Make Raw program
  2. Skip User data
  3. Skip Efs Partitions
  4. Skip Empty Partitions

List Partitions:

  1. Dump
  2. Write
  3. Erase
  4. Reboot


Qualcomm Imei Repair.

Changing The Imei Is Illegal; Please Fix the Theimei Of Your Phone With The Original Legal Number, Imei.

Repair Settings:

  1. Select Qcn
  2. Network Repair [adb]
  3. Method
  4. Imei [1]
  5. Imei [2]
  6. Mac
  7. Repair [startl

Adb Commands:

  1. Read Info [adb]
  2. Reset Mi Account [twrp]
  3. Reset Frp [wrp]
  4. Install Magisk Apk [adb]
  5. Install Apk [adb]
  6. Reboot Edl [adb]
  7. Reboot Recovery [adb]
  8. Reboot Bootloader [adb]
  9. Reboot Fastboot-d [adb]
  10. Reboot Sideload [adb]
  11. Reboot [adb)

Fastboot Command:

  1. Read Info [fastboot
  2. Reset FRP (fastboot]
  3. Reset Efs [fastboot
  4. Oem Unlock [fastboot
  5. Flashing Unlock (fastboot]
  6. Twrp Install [fastboot)
  7. Twrp Boot [fastboot
  8. Reboot Recovery [fastboot]
  9. Reboot Bootloader [fasthoof]
  10. Reboot Fastboot-d [fastboot
  11. Reboot Edl [fastboot]
  12. Reboot [fastboot]
  13. Start [adb]

Qcn-xqcn Backup-restore:

  1. Spc
  2. Multi-sim
  3. Skip Imei
  4. Select Dir
  5. Backup
  6. Restore
  7. Read Info
  8. Network Repair [adb]

Efs Root Functions:

  1. Reset Efs [adb]
  2. Backup Efs [adb]
  3. Enable Ding [adb]
  4. Backup Efs [adb]
  5. Root [adb]
  6. Unroot [adb]

Edl Flasher & Services.

Flash List:

  1. Select Folder
  2. Select File
  3. Auto
  4. Xiaomi Auth [token]
  5. Reboot
  6. Flash

Flash Configuration:

Flash Settings:

  1. Skip User data
  2. Safe Speed
  3.  Full Erase
  4. Reset Accounts
  5. Reset Mi Account
  6. Reset FRP

Efs Settings:

  1. Protect Efs/IMEI
  2. Backup Efs

Root Settings:

  1. Keep Avb/ Dm Verity
  2. Keep Force Encryption
  3. Patch Vbmeta
  4. Recovery Mode

Service Qloader Edl (9008):

  1. Read Into
  2. Wipe Efs
  3. Backup Efs
  4. Reset FRP
  5. Restore Efs
  6. Root Device
  7. Factory Reset
  8. Oem Unlock
  9. Start

Fastboot Flasher.

Flash List:

  1. Select Folder
  2. Select File
  3. Select Firmware

Flash Setting:

  1. Select Cpu
  2. Root Device
  3. Disable Verity/ Verification
  4. Disable Anti Check
  5. Disable Crt Check
  6. Reset Mi Id/frp
  7. Fix Gpt (boot loop)
  8. Downgrade Modem
  9. Skip User data
  10. Skip Reboot

Xiaomi Auto Root.

Root Settings:

  1. Check Support
  2. Start Root
  3. Remove Root

Make Root.


  1. Make Magisk Root (27.0)
  2. Restore Patched Image
  3. Sign Image (avb 1.0)

Root Settings:

  1. Keep Avb/dm-verity
  2. Keep Force Encryption
  3. Patch Vbmeta Flags
  4. Recovery Mode
  5. Auto Detect With Adb
  6. Select Stock File (.lz4.img .tar.md5*.bin)
  7. Start
  8. Root Adb [via Twrp]
  9. Uninstall Root [via Adb]

Android & Fastboot Flash.

Generic Adb Commands.

ADB Commands:

  1. Read Info [adb]
  2. Reboot Edl [adb]
  3. Reboot Recovery [adb]
  4. Reboot Bootloader [adb]
  5. Reboot Sideload [adb]
  6. Reboot Fastboot-d [adb]
  7. Install Apk [adb]
  8. Disable security log [adb]
  9. Reset Frp [twrp]
  10. Switch Sideload [twrp]
  11. Install Zip [sideload]
  12. Install Zip [twrp]
  13. Reboot [adb]
  14. Start

Fastboot Commands:

  1. Read Info [fastboot]
  2. Reboot Recovery [fastboot]
  3. Reboot Bootloader [fastboot
  4. Reboot Fastbootd [fastboot]
  5. Reboot Edl [fastboot]
  6. Reset Frp [fastboot]
  7. Oem Unlock [fastboot]
  8. Booting Twrp [fastboot]
  9. Reboot [fastboot]
  10. Start

Adb Partition Manager.

Adb Flash Functions:

  1. List Partitions
  2. Dump
  3. Write
  4. Erase
  5. Reboot

Fastboot Partition Flasher.

Fastboot Flash Functions:

  1. Write
  2. Erase
  3. Reboot


  1. Mdm
  2. Open Menu

Whats new In  Win Android Tool.

Version 1.1.4

  1. Added Xiaomi Mediatek V5 – V6 Firmware Flash – Beta.
  2. Added Xiaomi Adb Auto Update (ota) Disable.
  3. Added Xiaomi Adb Mi Account Disable.
  4. Added Xiaomi Redmi 8a Pro (olivewood) Network Repair.
  5. Added Xiaomi Free Frp ( Google Account ) Remove ( 0 Credit )
  6. Added Xiaomi Fastboot To Edl Mode Reboot Free ( 0 Credit )
  7. ⁠⁠Fixed Various Bugs And Improved Overall Stability.

How To Use It ?

  1. First Of All, You Must Get The Zip File By Clicking The Following Link
  2. After That, You Need To Unzip All Files In C: Drive (important)
  3. Make Sure You’ve Turned Off The Antivirus To Running The Installation
  4. Then, To Open The Folder, Download The Installation File Following Some Basic Instructions
  5. Run The “Win Android Tool “
  6. The Will Open On Your Pc Screen.
  7. Enjoy!

How To Download ?

Visit The Gsm Crack Tool Website Of The Tool.
Click On The (Download Link) To Initiate The Download

 Win Android Tool V1.1.4

Once The Download Is Complete, Locate The Downloaded File On Your Device.
Tap On The File To Begin The Installation Process.
Follow The On-screen Instructions To Complete The Installation.

Android Win Tool v1.1.4

Download Here:: Android Win Tool v1.1.4

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